Lipo-Light FAQS

Q: How does Lipo-Light work?

A: Through clinical studies it has been demonstrated that Lipo-Light stimulates the fat cell to emulsify the fat within the cell. Then the liquefied fat moves from inside the cell through a temporary pore formed in the cell membrane to outside the cell where it is absorbed by the lymphatic system. This results in millions of fat cells becoming smaller so inches are reduced off the treated area. The fat cells are not injured in any way by this process.

Q: What are the advantages of LED over invasive processes like liposuction or laser? 

A: The major advantages include no pain, no downtime, instant results-compared to 16 weeks of recovery time for liposuction, no risk of infection, no anesthesia, no scarring, no post-operative numbness or nerve damage, price advantages, no damage to the body including fat cells as opposed to total removal of cells, blood vessels, etc. It is the safest way to sculpt the body.

Q: How many paddles does Lipo-Light have?

A: Lipo-Light has 8 paddles. Alternative laser products tend to have 2-4 paddles or do not touch the skin (which decreases efficiency).

Q: How many diodes (lights) per paddle?

A: Lipo-Light LED system has 25 medical LED lights fitted to each paddle. (Laser therapy has far less, normally 8-12 diodes).

Q: How does Lipo-Light compare to the other fat burning lasers being used?

A: The LED system has a far higher absorption rate as opposed to laser treatment therapy due to the refraction and strength of the beam. Typically, LED absorbs around 70% compared to laser at around 30%. This gives a much higher chance of better results in inch loss and fat reduction.

Q: Is it safe?

A: Yes. There are no known risks involved in using Lipo-Light and it is considered a safe alternative to invasive procedures such as traditional liposuction. The Lipo-Light treatment is 100% non-invasive and causes no bruising, scarring or downtime. During the treatment you will not feel discomfort, nor will anesthesia be used. You can assume normal activities immediately following each treatment.

Q: Are the treatments painful? Are there any side effects?

A: There is no pain involved. The treatments are very relaxing and soothing. There are no known side effects.

Q: How many calories will a single treatment burn?

A: A single treatment would mobilize approximately 400 calories; however, tests have shown more.        

Q: How many treatments can be given and when should treatments be stopped? How much rest time between a course of 8 treatments?

A: The standard program is 8 sessions, twice per week for 4 weeks. 2 treatments a week with a 48 hour break between treatments allow the blood fatty acid levels to stabilize after each treatment. Further treatments can begin after a 2 week break.


Q: What should be worn to a treatment?

A: Treatment pads need to be placed directly on the skin so comfortable clothing such as yoga pants, shorts, and t-shirts are recommended.                      

Q: Do you have to exercise post treatment?

A: Yes. It is highly recommended that post treatment exercises are done to speed up the lymphatic system. At Lakota Wellness we use the Whole Body Vibration Plate for 10 minutes post treatment to burn off the calories and stimulate the lymphatic system.


Q: How many inches can I expect to lose?

A: Some patients see results of up to 1 inch on the first session alone. Results may vary but with continual usage it is expected that you should lose anywhere between 1/2 to 2 inches and up to 4 inches with a package series.

Q: How long does it take to see results?

A: Results vary depending on the body type, metabolism, and activity level. Results have been seen after the first visit.                        

Q: What can be done to enhance results?

A: There are numerous ways to enhance results:

  •     Incorporate nutritional supplements designed to enhance fat metabolism and health.
  •     Diet high in quality foods. Eat sensibly and eliminate alcohol and caffeine during treatments.
  •     Drink 1/2 ounce of water per body weight pound, with a minimum of 64 ounces per day.
  •     Walk or moderate exercise 30 minutes per day throughout treatments.
  •     Keep to your Lipo-Light scheduled treatments.
  •     Massage the targeted areas after treatment to help your body’s lymphatic drainage and fat   removal processes.
  •     Manage caloric intake (eat sensibly); excess calories will counteract the treatments.
  •     It is also recommended to avoid eating 2 hours before and after treatment.






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